We in Albania entered lock-down a few weeks before our friends and family Stateside. Like the rest of the world, we have been anxious about how life will be affected and when and if things will get back to ‘normal’.
By early March, the walls were going up and while Sarah was here, we walked through the building and marked the locations of outlets and plumbing.
By March 12th, all public and private transportation was banned except for a few businesses. The military and police were strict in their enforcement, so few dared to venture out.
Thankfully for us, the supplies for the electrical and plumbing rough-ins were delivered a few days before the lock-down, and both the plumber and electrician lived within walking distance of the worksite. With a building as big as ours, they were easily able to maintain a social distance while working uninterrupted. After they would go home in the afternoon, Nathan was able to walk over and inspect their work in the empty site.

Since this was the stage of the construction we were in when the COVID restrictions began, and other construction would have had to largely wait until these rough ins were completed anyway, we haven’t lost much time related to the COVID restrictions!
We are looking forward to the day soon when more visible progress can be made, but we are thankful for the timing in the construction schedule and that we continue to see progress!
Keep praying!