As we watch the progress of the Family Center construction, we have been dreaming of all of the ways it could be used in the community!
We were committed to create a building that would be accessible for everyone, and its accessibility will be tested when The Valdete Trust school moves its ministry into our building!

Presently, VT offers a day school for nine students with disabilities. Their current location has multiple floors, but no elevator or properly outfitted handicap accessible restrooms. As such, a disproportionate part of their day requires coordination of helpers to transfer the students up and down the stairs and other forms of assistance.
Originally, we were going to wait for a year or so to install the elevator, but because of this new partnership, we are working now to raise the $25,000 necessary to install the elevator this fall!
A great young man from Georgia who himself is often wheelchair bound has started a campaign called Lift Us Up! to try to raise these funds. Support the Lift Us Up! elevator campaign at
Find out more about the Valdete Trust at